Artist: Stephen Segouia
Colorist: Jay David Ramos
Review: Cody Miller

I am so far behind reading my funny books that it is absolutely anything but funny. Granted, there are a few that do not get placed on the altar of procrastination. Those few go straight to my brain. Dead Pool, Superior Spider-Man, Hawkeye and Thief of Thieves are among the few. Other than that, I don’t really give a damn.
Spider Island……
Before Watchmen……
The Age of Ultron……
That’s the Sonovabitch that broke Batman’s back right there. I mean seriously Marvel get real! I’m out! (Except for the few afore mentioned titles, but don’t tell them that) and shame on you D.C. what in the hell are you two doing?
Seriously, what are these guys doing to the comics that I know and love? It’s like dying a slow death I could imagine. It’s exhausting wandering through the desert of Big 2 these days.
AoU ruined me. I just totally stopped caring about comics…….
Then came Superior Carnage to save the day (enter happy music). I knew I was going to love this book before I even made it past the cover. Which happens to be crafted by none other than Clayton Crain. Mr. Crain did the eye candy for last year's Carnage U.S.A. , which was a phenomenal miniseries. In both the art and writing departments. The dude can immortalize my man Cletus like no other. Sadly, Crain’s art stops at the cover on this one. Segouis doesn’t do a terrible job, but he just didn’t get me into the dark and psychotic place that all Carnage books should take you.
I mean come on, I am an American...our level of desensitization determines our social status.
Pretty much just like every Carnage run...ever, it starts off with the stereotypical escape from the super high tech inescapable fortified mega super-villain clink. Yawn! Actually, not really. It does get better and I’m not judging Kevin Shinick at all, however, I don’t think I could think of a better idea now that I think about it. Okay, Shinick, free pass on this one. There is no doubt that that this title just found a place in the read pile.
I don’t want to spoil this one for anyone who has not had a chance to take a look yet, because the last three pages are epic. Just let me drop this here…WizardvsCarnagevsKlaw. That’s right Wizard. Yes, that’s right Carnage. Hell to the yah I said Klaw!
I’m going to guess the fourth member of the dark side will be someone with some sort of fire super powers. Carnage has two real weaknesses.
1. sonics
2. high heat.
Just saying.
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