

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Whispers #2

Story and Art by Josh Luna

If you’ve read the comic The Sword then you are most likely already a Luna brothers fan. Whispers is all Joshua however. That curiosity alone was worth picking up the first issue, then I saw the cover and new I was buying it. I was even more impressed with the cover of the second issue (as seen to the left). I guess I could just make it easy and say the art within is all so amazing. Joshua captures the emotions of the character really well. He also writes them really well. How can I say that after only two issues? Simple. He does.

The main character is a guy named Sam. Sam has a well established debilitating case of obsessive compulsive disorder among other problems. Sam has found that his recent dreams of his friends weren’t just a dream, but an out of body experience. It seems Sam can visit anyone he already knows by simply thinking about them. He later finds he can hear the thoughts of people he knows and subtly influence their thoughts as well. In some ways I think that would be an amazing and adventurous gift but for every up there has to be a down. Sam visits his mother one night and hears her thoughts. Nothing good comes of it. So maybe now I’m thinking it would seem more like a curse.

If you have room on your pull list add this title. After you read one issue Luna will have you by the balls but in a good way. The first step into Luna’s world is worth the risk.


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